Informative, logical and courageous writing. As a foreign reader unaware of the Kim Davis saga (my respect for her) I was not aware of the implications of her stand. On the bigger picture, I don't see humanely the way out of it, given that the elites are explicitly antichristian, antichatolic and Christophobic. This is not happening by chance. It is a feature, not a bug. Hence only God's intervention through Providence, and the need of a significant chastisement, to turn this around. I wish I were wrong, but I don't see other way to dismantle the Golem-Leviathan, a truly potential infrastructure for the Antichrist reign, that the US and "the west" have become.

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Thank you. Well said and I agree. Only God can save us now.

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Our political system is not working.

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God has been generous with us ……..as is always true of His mercy. One tends to think of the end times or judgement as maybe a few months or days, or if we are truly fortunate, only moments. How long is the judgement day in the eyes of God? Is it every day and all of human history at the same time?

Could it be that our Lord, in his mercy, is daily giving us the opportunities to turn from evil and make one Good choice and then another; as one evil, and then an even greater evil presents itself to humanity? Is it possible that God will gather those Good choices, acts of suffering and contrition and accept our meager offerings to save the world which He so loves?

Certainly we are closer than ever before to judgement. We Christians must persevere in our penance for the sake of the world.

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