Sep 16Liked by Thaddeus Kozinski

Say the Rosary.

Only the True Madonna can save the Church from this shipwreck of Post-V2 lunacy and trad anarchy

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The entire Catholic Church was infiltrated LONG ago. My parents were strict Catholics (before Vatican II). My father was going to join the priesthood. I was educated in Catholic school for 12 years.

I will never support Catholicism. For me, it’s going backward, not forward.

I simply want God.

To each his own.

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Catholicism is the truth.

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Its the vatican and its clergy that is corrupt noy the essential teachings of the Church.

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I attended the SSPX and I was never told it was a mortal sin to attend the Novus Ordo. Certainly, I'd have been encouraged to stay away but was never told it was a mortal sin. and I have an SSPX mentor who knew that I did and did not speak in that manner. Granted, if one sits back and compares the two forms it is very obvious the N.O. is a stark departure. The Society's thoughts would be that a great many have lost faith since the implementation of the N.O. and so to place oneself in proximity could be a 'near occasion of sin' if it were to erode one's faith.

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Nope. The Novus Ordo as originally promulgated is faithful and holy. It cannot not be.

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Promulgated; yes but a departure never the less of which has led to the erosion of faith (primarily in the True Presence ) on a part of a great many of the faithful; as is evidenced by polls which indicate such. When Church leaders lament the loss a a great many pew sitters I would say to them they need only look at themselves for their poor catechizing.

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15

Renee; never let the infiltration of the hierarchy prevent you from practicing the faith; partaking of the sacraments and such. The corrupt hierarchy have no impact on yours or anyone's eternity if they stay grounded. I understand your frustration. but never allow for that to take you away from the truth; regardless of how pathetic the leaders might become.

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I know Truth. I can no longer support organized religion. I don’t need “leaders” for anything.

ONLY God/Creator…

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16

Gotcha. I just wouldn't want for the corruption of human hierarchy to prevent you from receiving the sacraments which are vehicles to assist us in our journey toward sanctification and eternal life. . Trust me, I have a lot of problem with them, (the hierarchy) myself, but will never let that prevent me from practicing the faith as it was handed on to me.

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I don’t think faith in your loving Creator has anything to do with organized religion. Been there, done that. I’m cool…

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Very well.

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I'll never forgive this guy for destroying the rhetorical question "Is the pope Catholic?".

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Somehow, I feel this post is bait and I am the curious (bored) mouse.

This oversized mouse is certainly odd. My parents, throw backs, raised a large family. Being one of the oldest sons I was recruited to the family cause and spent all my weekend alongside Dad. Here, beginning at the age of five, I entered into the environs of the blue-collar working men, truckers, warehouse laborers, freight managers. By “listening,” I learned all I could from these WWII vets who manned these jobs. As a result of this exposure, I disliked what they mistrusted, reading, and preferred to hang around where the “action” happened, where these men were at work. By the way, I hate these work fences that conceal. By High school and with the death of grammar and the birth of Contemporary Lit, I got it in my head that reading a book was the same as watching the film. So naturally, whenever possible, I opted for the movie. For example, “To Kill a Mockingbird,” comes to mind as one of my completed “book” reports. One exception was this book, poem, Beowulf. I actually read this one. To warm us up, the instructor read it aloud and then doubled back to explain things, word origin and change, word meaning and adapted meaning, etc. Years later I was happy to take the wife to the cinema to see an action cartoon, computerized something or other presentation of, “Beowulf.” My reaction to the film was-

Yes, epic poems are best read aloud.

The special effects did not hold your interest for very long.

And what is this curious relationship between the Bishop and his Assistant?

The Bishop, being new to the Faith as was the entire Kingdom, is depicted as a brick and mortar guy of the old guard who is now dressed in new garb. Most despicable about this depicted Bishop is his relationship with his Assistant, and brother Priest. Come the end of the animation, this Bishop apparently grew into His Crosier. Humble, the Bishop is depicted now with a genuine regard and care for his is brother Priest. Interestingly, the depiction of the Assistant, the little Priest is constant.

“Be constant in prayer for your Bishop and his Associates.”, a worthy message out of Hollywood?

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My only objection is the so-called Death Vax. Everyone I know took the vax and they're still breathing. Fess up and admit you're wrong.

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Nope. You’re brainwashed. It was an experiment. Some batches were deadly, others not. Some had nano tech.

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Well it's a good thing that wasn't the case in my state. Those people you claimed would be dead by now are still living.

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Please read and wake up:. You have no idea the evil that was done to us and that is to come if we don’t resist: https://open.substack.com/pub/dhughes/p/covid-19-psychological-operations?r=24l7o&utm_medium=ios

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My anecdotal response is knowing personally a man in mid 4o’s who had a near fatal heart attack, indirectly knowing another man in his thirties who had a heart attack in his sleep and never woke up. And my own

Mother who now has dehabiltating vertigo, has had irregular heartbeat issues, and a temporary facial paralysis all in the Same year.

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You people were claiming those who were jabbed would be dead by now. They're clearly not in my state.

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Personally I never made that claim

Nevertheless lives are forever altered. And your state is a drop in a global pool

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I know a man and his wife with issues. He had a stent placed in his heart and she is on a list for a transplant. Another female co-worker has/had breast cancer. Another co-workers mother developed blood clots. Another co-workers daughter (a nurse) developed blood clots. No coincidence.

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If that all he is, a heretic, and not also a saboteur........

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What made you lose your marbles over Pope Francis? Was it the Covid stuff?

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I haven’t lost my marbles.

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You're calling the sitting Pope a heretic. At any rate, I disagree that Pope Francis taught it to be sinful to not take the shot. There was a lot of nuance there. We could skip it in good conscience, in line with Pope Francis. Was he perfect? No. Heretic? No also.

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Yes, he is a heretic. That is plain as day. Why have you lost your marbles?

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I haven't lost my marbles.

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Francis was very clear on people taking the shot on two occasions calling it an act of love. In addition you were not allowed in the vatican unless you were vaccinated.

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His recent comments clearly display indifferentism, which is contrary to the teachings of the Catholic faith. But I would also say that he wasn't great when the scamdemic "broke out." I still recall not getting to attend Mass during Holy Week in 2020, and I still find it utterly abominable that that was allowed to happen.

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Sep 14·edited Sep 14Author

Bergoglio sentenced to death thousands of Catholics when he told them they needed to inject themselves with what we now know is and what he should have known then (or have kept his demonic mouth shut) was a bioweapon

or commit a sin.

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His recent comments from Singapore, or something else? I agree parishes should never have closed during covid. It was a disgusting time. Pope's a heretic though? NO.

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When you've already made up your mind about something it's easy to copy+paste some supportive confirmation bias. Was Pope Francis' Covid reaction the straw that broke your trust in him, or was it something else? Just curious. You don't have to answer...

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I’m not interested in satisfying your curiosity.

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That's fine! Prayers for you, sir. You have a great mind. I hope you can find ways to stay open and objective towards Pope Francis, and I like what you're doing vs SSPX.

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What is in the link is not confirmation bias - they are objective historical facts. An even cursory scan of how P Francis behaved during COVID displayed his siding with EU/UN globalist interests concerning not only vaccinations, but masking, shutdowns, etc. I did not get jabbed and his message to me was extremely antagonistic - it winds up he was dead wrong, and he has never addressed his grave error. Think of his Easter service in 2020 - designed to depress - alone, with the cross below him. What happened to Pell. The list goes on.

Important point - notice Dr Kozinski does not go schismatic - he just is calling P. Francis out on what he has done - not a cannon lawyer, but heresy does not seem that far from objective truth given the things that have happened and his actions around them. It may seem the same, but there is a difference.

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