Sep 11Liked by Thaddeus Kozinski

My opinion is--and it is merely my opinion: Our whole government is based on human sacrifice achieved via a commitment to waging endless foreign wars for profit and, on the domestic front, the industrialized murder of its unborn at a rate of about 3,000 dispatched a day. Our government is committed to carrying out these atrocities because they are massively remunerative and because they provide them with a temporary demonic protection from divine justice.

So, I take it as quite plausible that this same government carried out--and continues to promote the 9/11 psy-op. By psy-op I don't mean to suggest that it never happened or to in any way minimize the horror of it--just that our government still projects their complicity for it onto Moslem terrorists. 9/11 was our government doing the American version of Nazi Germany's Reichstag fire.

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Sep 12Liked by Thaddeus Kozinski

Like the magic bullet, 9/11 is 100% bullshit.

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Sep 11Liked by Thaddeus Kozinski

You wrote a beautiful simplification of the essential elements to consider when contemplating IXXI. Five years ago, I remember re-reading the Last Gospel (John’s Prologue) about Logos being at the center, being the only thing that darkness cannot overcome and the only thing to embrace, and for some reason this time reading it, the message jumped off the page and stuck deeply within me. It has been a great source of strength and consolation in the insanity of the past few years, and your writing today affirms that essential truth. Thank you!

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Thanks man.

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Thanks for the reminder of the important take away. Below, I comment on the perpetual dust and smoke.

Never forget? I maybe wrong, but that Sep day is today just as it was then. Since then all those who could have been tried have confessed, and all those who could have brought civil suits have settled. No disclosure, no evidence, no ... And upon this foundation of "nothingness" arises Fridaynight football from Brazil. What's the odds?

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God created the cosmos, the heavens and the earth. He did not create society. God looks on man and addresses him as His creature. There is no such thing as human nature (sin) unless God addresses us. Said differently, God addresses man as man and nothing else. A father can be proud of his son but maybe taken in to the drama. God is above the social drama and is never taken in and never fooled. Rightly or wrongly, I believe the concept of Sin is a creation of Judaism and the concept of Foolishness a creation of Christianity, by the Apostle Paul, by the writers of Ecclesiastes and Proverbs, by Desiderius Erasmus. We enter the world naked, without social roles and institutions that substitute for animal instincts. We gain a sense of importance, even a criminal has this sense. But God is unimpressed with the most revered President as the most vile criminal. God is no respecter of persons in the roles they assume, or of the Potemkin Villages man constructs. Truth comes in layers. We can live our life self-assured of our sinlessness or of God's grace for our wrongdoing. Is Nine One One a way God addresses us and even punishes us for sinful our nature? Is it part of God's plan? I don't think we can know that. For most of us, for our whole lives we believed WW2 to have been a virtuous and heroic war with a just outcome and secure in our sense of morality. But since COVID, we realize we have been duped and perhaps WW2 was immoral (certainly Dresden was evil and prisoners at Auschwitz died at the same proportion as German citizens of diseases, starvation, dehydration), our self estimation questionable, and our faith in God's will now shaken. This must have been the situation the Apostle Paul found himself in - a punisher of Christians for the Roman Empire, self righteous, and secure in his role within Judaism. But Christ interrupted him with a vision of stark terror and awareness that things were not what they seemed. The curtain was pulled back to see society as man made, not God made. And sudden consciousness that we aren't who we thought we were. That God was perhaps not on the side of Allies or on anyone's side. So, no, I do not believe of God's intervention into all of man made history to carry out His will. Summarizing Erasmus:

1. Folly provides the illusions necessary to render life in this world tolerable and even pleasant such that society is taken for granted.

2. Folly makes the professional leaders of the state and church blind enough to be happy in their vicious irresponsibility to fail to reveal the truth.

3. Folly enables the Christian fool to renounce the world in favor of Christian order, joy, play, humor and a sense of what is genuinely damnable evil in this life and a beatific vision of the next life.

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Thanks for your response to the thoughtful post by our host, Dr. K.

You touch on something dear to my heart, foolishness. Foolishness (following through good weather and storm) isn't what it once was?Foolishness has its counterfeits? I need some help with this question. It seems that our host has time and again warned, "Keep to the path." OK. Now what? The path less traveled is becoming very subtle in places. There's no doubling back. How to proceed? When the "foolish" band or are banded, will they follow or will they be led off? Maybe it has something to do with preparation and preparing to travel light?

"I don't need anything! Accept this, ... this ash tray, and this ... Film ("soft porn"), "The Jerk."

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Just recently I was considering how objectively 'odd' the concept of nationalism is and--historically--the zeal and the lengths humans will go to embody this perceived virtue. Throughout history men have been willing to die for 'king and country', no matter how blatantly ludicrous or whimsical the king or country may be at a given moment. I expect there are far, far more 'fallen patriots' than martyrs, which seems tragic. Such devotion should be reserved for Christ alone, and therefore selfless devotion to nation is something of a substitute for what should belong to God. Although I was unable to identify it myself, your conclusion about idolatry appears to sum it up perfectly, both for the topic at hand and my own musings about nationalism in general.

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