The passage at the beginning is actually from Matthew’s gospel not Luke. Matthew 12:43-45.

This is a sobering and yet encouraging essay. Thank you!

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Jesus did not say everything is groovy. He did say quite literally my Kingdom is not of this world. As Allen Ginsberg observed, it's time friends to put your queer shoulder to the wheel. Be Christian. Be like Peter. Then let go and trust Jesus everything's gonna be alright. https://cjd.org/1996/08/01/peter-maurin-saint-and-scholar-of-the-catholic-worker/

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Wouldn’t you agree that the Catholic faith indeed promotes idol worship, ie: praying to Mary, asking the priest to go to God for you, repetitive prayers, etc. Most Catholics I know can’t even have a conversation about a story in the Bible. Btw, my mother converted from Catholicism to a relationship with God the Creator. “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth and the life: no man cometh unto the Father(God) but by me.” John 14:6. Catholics even refer to the priest as “Father”; this is a complete mockery to the true and one God the Father.

Remember, it’s about relationship not religion; religion is man’s best attempt to reach God. God Bless🙏 I pray that all come to know and enjoy a personal relationship with God the Father.

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Life on earth is hard. We are all fallen. I grew up Catholic and am now part of a Protestant church. I miss the Catholic worship, because 1) they can do it in half the time, 12 minutes of a sermon is enough; 2) virtually every word comes from Scripture, the Catholics have far more scripture in their worship than Protestants; and 3) the Catholics have daily bible readings and get through much of the bible every three years. My experience has been that Catholics know the bible better than Protestants.

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Why not return to Catholicism? Find a good parish where they say the Mass reverently and take confession seriously. You need the Holy Eucharist and Confession. And say the Rosary.

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And I completely agree about the importance of a personal relationship with God the Gather. I took a moment to pray your prayer. There is nothing that every person, and all of together, need more than this.

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May you please explain me how is possible that the curse of other person(s) can provoke a demonic possesion in another one(s)?

Because I always understood that a possesion is just possible if the victim itself allows the devil to come in, but I never hear before that a curse can make that too.

That is, I knew that a curse (a real one) can make a lot of harm, but not to the point of a possesion 😳...

Thank you.

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It brings up the saddest words in the Bible, at the end of the Book of Judges. " In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as they saw fit."

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Sounds like present day a little bit🤡🌎

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What a thought provoking commentary! Thank you! I really enjoyed reading your article.

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