If you are paying attention, you know that the plandemic narrative is on its last legs, although its final death throes seem like eternity and are manifesting as most furious and ruthless—poison injections for babies—as well as most ridiculous and pathetic—Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, Monkeypox, and Ninja. The injury and death toll from the death shots is rising all over the world, save in the few countries that somehow remained immune to the mass psychosis, such as Africa, and I really don’t think the liars will be able to cover this mass democide up for too much longer. Not that a mass awakening will do anything to stop it. I predict that most people will just accept people being sick 24/7 and dropping dead all around them as normal, as they are already doing.
The mass-formation psychosis worked, and many will never return to sanity. They got what they wanted— a new normal of ritualistic public insanity in a global torture camp, the camel’s nose, nay, the entire body of totalitarianism now under the tent, and the systematic plundering of the global middle class with impunity. Now there is no going back. Stage two was the Ukrainsane, along with a multi-pronged attack on everything that is good, true, and beautiful—as well as food and fuel. Planned food and energy shortages, engineered inflation, staged psy-op shootings, confiscation of guns, the illegalization of private self-defense, on the one hand, pedophile normalization, the sexualization and public grooming of children, on the other. What we are seeing with the public library drag-queens/child-molesters is coordinated social engineering for public tolerance of child sexual abuse, and it won’t be long until it becomes a right for a man to abuse a child, and for a child to be abused—the new sexual liberation.
I don’t know what to make of the overturning of Roe vs. Wade, and I really don’t know what to make of the mysterious demolition of the Georgia Guidestones only two weeks after it. I suspect that the same occultists who erected them on March 22, 1980, to mark liturgically their intention to depopulate the earth, destroyed them on July 6, 2022, to signal publicly the inauguration of the ritual mass-murder. And I suspect that the overturning of Roe vs. Wade, though good in itself, is part of their plan to stoke the culture war to uncontrollable violence to usher in a vice-grip level of totalitarianism. I am of two minds on this, though, because it doesn’t seem a coincidence that it occurred on the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and what is normally the Birth of St. John the Baptist, the latter having leapt for joy in his mother’s womb in the presence of the pregnant Blessed Mother. Could this be a sign from God that His judgment on all this evil is imminent?
Perhaps, but the truth is that right now, evil is reigning like it never has before. Never has before. Black, disgusting, depraved, horrific, senseless, brutal, insufferable, nauseating evil. And it’s metastasizing exponentially. It’s too much to bear, and it is causing many to lose their minds. Of course, the sheep-zombies in the thrall of mass-formation psychosis feel quite safe and secure and superior in their insanity, oblivious to their imminent demise, as they inject themselves over and over and over again with sterilizing and gene-altering poison and with their grotesque slave masks glued permanently to their faces. The satanic elite gather their forces at Mordor and initiate the next stage of their infernal theatre of death and destruction, counting on the paid establishment assholes to lie about it and cheer it on at the same time. The rest of us try to press on, keeping abreast of the latest horrors, and trying pathetically to protest and awaken the insane masses.
But I am becoming more and more convinced that the evil will keep increasing, and there isn’t anything anyone can do about it. We must nevertheless fight it until our dying breath, make no compromises with it, and by all means avoid being complicit in it. It seeks to murder our bodies, but most of all our souls. I think that God wants us most of all to preserve the purity of our hearts and souls right now, and to protect the souls of those we love and have care over. Prayer and fasting, contemplative prayer, crying out in the depth of our souls for His presence and strength, and keeping ourselves empty of all idols and substitutes and distractions. Forget about planning for the future, even the next week, and cease worrying about the past—stay in the present moment, in the Divine Will, with all your attention on God alone.
There will come a time, very soon, when that attention will be absolutely necessary to remain alive in both body and soul, as He will communicate His will to His faithful moment by moment in the depths of our hearts in a mystical communion granted to those who refused the Covidian baptism and catechism. The human element of the institution of the Church is now rotting, having committed spiritual suicide the day it decided to reject Christ and worship the Covid-Baal by shutting down the Church during Holy Week in 2020. We can and must go to Mass and confession still, for the Divine is still miraculously ensouling Her rotten corpse, even with the walking dead Bergoglio sitting at its helm, but we must now become mystics. We are all mystics now, whether for God or Lucifer. We will have deep communion with one or the other. Neutrality is over. He will guide us as He did the Israelites through the Red Sea. Stay in a state of grace. Stay faithful. Be attentive.
While remaining vigilant, I think prudence demands of each us discern the level of attention paid to this global death-spectacle. Strap yourself to the mast of the cross, like Odysseus passing the Sirens.
Thaddeus, so great to find you here. I love your writings. (We met in January in San Anselmo.)